According to this week’s guest, automobile industry expert Bill Russo, this year’s Autoshow China, held in Beijing, was a wake-up call to the global automobile industry. China has clearly leapfrogged the global auto industry, making products that aren’t just transportation vehicles but literally smartphones on wheels. According to Russo, the global auto industry is still living in the 20th century. With the EV tariffs looming in the U.S., are Westerners deprived of owning the next and best iPhone?

1.  What was big at this year’s Beijing auto show compared to previous ones?  What made this year’s show a real “wake-up call” to the auto industry?

2.  What is “smartness” in EVs, and how does it differ from putting a simple plug-in EV car?

3.  Why is Tesla falling behind the curve?

4. What is the smartness experience?  Can you describe what it’s like inside a truly smart Chinese EV?

5. What’s the difference between “national security” and a “security blanket?”  Will the tariffs deprive Western automakers of competition that will lead to better and more competitive innovation for their customers?

6. What is a more practical solution besides tariffs for the U.S. and Europe? Bill calls it ” flipping the script.”

7. How can Chinese EV auto companies stay competitive With so many new NEV brands?

Bill & Bryce’s Book:  “Selling To China:”

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